
时间:2019-04-30 11:06:19 作者: 字数:6953字




  I would like to play with water. I saw on TV swimming champion standing on a podium, high zheng won honor for his country. My ideal is to be a swimming champion.

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  First of all, can prevent colds. Due to the stimulation of cold water, swimming exercise can enhance physical fitness, cold for a long time to improve the ability to adapt to the environment, can strengthen people's physical fitness. Prevention of some chronic diseases such as chronic bronchial asthma, etc. Doctors often suggest swimming exercise. If you don't believe there are so many good swimming exercise, we see a class called the sea star sports kindergarten ZhenZiJiang children, he didn't come to the sea star sports kindergarten before training, the other kindergarten are sick once a month, since to sea star sports kindergarten took part in the swimming team training, almost no ill more often, his body constitution did much better than before.

  According to relevant data show that in all sports, swimming is the only suitable for from baby just born to a very old man for sports activities. In a survey in 2000, Beijing also shows the message: the questionnaire was home to more than 400 schoolchildren, in answer to the liking of 15 sports were to swim into the first, these parents opinion is typical, because they realized that swimming can not only promote the growth and development of children, and give their children with a healthy body, strong and handsome body, good cardiovascular respiratory function, also have mastered a skill. Swimming is not a human instinct, it is acquired by learning to master the technology. So some people said: "blessed are those who can swim half a life". But more importantly by swimming exercise can help the healthy development of body and mind, to cultivate their children far afraid tired will quality. Obey orders, and observe discipline and in the collective spirit of solidarity and collaboration. These, also is in the honeypot children bubble of the children of the weakness of common, also is the parents care about and their is no good way to worry. To learn to swim, to join swimming training! To master the swimming in the conquest of the self in the process of technology, have a healthy body, cultivate strong will quality.

