文化差异:老外笑点我不懂 双语阅读

时间:2017-04-09 18:34:36 作者: 字数:1609字

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  身处异国他乡,最大的悲哀莫过于歪果仁笑得人仰马翻,你却不知所云。想跟歪果仁打成一片,光是语言能力过硬是远远不够的。不过也不必妄自菲薄,能不能get笑话,更多是 文化 背景和 幽默 感知的问题。下面是考试啦小编整理的文化差异:老外笑点我不懂,看看大家能不能get得了老外的笑点。

  世间最尴尬的事莫过于周围的人都被 段子 (笑话)逗得哄堂大笑,只有你还没发现笑点。如果这段子是用外语讲的,那么尴尬值增加一万点。

  It is beyond awkward when everyone around you bursts outlaughing at a joke that you do not find funny, especially if it’s ajoke told in a foreign language.

  While Chinese students find it easy to adapt to a foreign lifestyle, socializing with locals is muchharder, according to a recent study. Researchers looked at how well Chinese students integratedinto communities across the world. Of all the activities they struggled with, understanding jokeswas considered the toughest.

  最近一项研究发现,中 国学 生很容易适应国外的生活方式,但和老外打交道就没那么简单了。研究者对中国 留学 生如何融入世界各地群体进行了分析。在留学生面对的所有问题中,理解笑话被认为是最难的。

  Most of the time, jokes are funny only for people who share a common cultural background orperceive humor in the same way.

