
时间:2019-11-25 19:12:37 作者: 字数:2927字

  A New Year has begun, everyone will have a few new hope, I also like everyone, and hope to be able to achieve.

  Resolutions of the first is: I hope my body health, can grow a bit, a bit fatter, this can increase the resistance, less sick, so I'm going to exercise more, maintain the vitality of the body.

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  Finally, my hope is that the economy of our country can be a bit better, let those unemployed, poor people in society, there is a job can be done, let their children can be happy go to school, to find their happiness. Although I can do now is limited, but I in my heart silently pray for them.

  Everyone wants to finish his resolutions, I also hope I want to be able to realize, so it must be hard to achieve,) do his bit to handle yourself, believe that hope things will be realized one by one.






