
时间:2022-02-12 09:27:28 作者: 字数:9310字


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  So there is the faint possibility that the monuments of Timbuktu might with time be repaired and renewed. But what is happening in Mali is a stark warning that we need more than Unesco World Heritage titles to preserve our story and ensure its retelling for future generations. The latest destruction follows the attack in May on the tomb of Sidi Mahamoud Ben Amer, also in Timbuktu. Now I fear that other sites, not just in Timbuktu but in other Malian cities, are at risk.

  因此,廷巴克图古迹没准儿会随着时间的推移不断得到修复和翻新。但在马里发生的事情却警示,为了保护我们的历史,让后世子孙也能够懂得历史,仅仅是联合国教科文组织世界遗产(Unesco World Heritage)的头衔是远远不够的。最近的这次破坏事件之前,西迪•马哈茂德陵墓在5月份也遭到了破坏,这座陵墓也在廷巴克图。现在我担心的是其他古迹也会有危险不只是廷巴克图,还有马里其他城市。

  Even if in time these splendours are rebuilt, their mythology will have died. They are artefacts of an ancient civilisation, not just buildings. So what could and should be done? What about the Gulf states, for example? They spend billions of dollars buying up Islamic art for their new museums, but they don't say anything when some of Islam's finest buildings are destroyed.


  Making a case for the physical protection of buildings when we are unable to protect the citizens of Mali might sound precious. We must make the case for both. If we do not protect the legacies of previous generations, how can we hope that future generations will respect ours?


  The writer is the author of "Adjaye Africa Architecture" and is the principal of Adjaye Associates

  本文作者是阿德迦耶建筑事务所(Adjaye Associates)所长,著有《阿德迦耶非洲建筑》(Adjaye Africa Architecture)一书。
