
时间:2021-07-16 05:16:04 作者: 字数:7801字

  下面是考试啦小编整理的常用 金融 英语 词汇, 希望对大家有帮助。


  安全网 safety net

  按可比口径 on comparable basis

  按轻重缓急 to prioritize

  暗补 implicit subsidy

  暗亏 hidden loss


  颁发营业执照 to license;to grant a licence to

  办理存款业务 to take deposits

  保护农民的生产积极性 to protect farmers'incentive to produce

  备付金(超额准备金) excess reserves

  本外币并账 consolidation of domestic and foreign currencyaccounts

  本外币对冲操作 sterilization operation

  本位利益 localized interest;departmentalism

  奔小康 to strive to prosper;to strive to become well-to-do

  避税(请见“逃税”) tax avoidance

  币种搭配不当 currency mismatch

  币种构成 currency composition

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  国有企业 state-owned enterprises(SOEs)

  国有制 state-ownership

  国有资产流失 erosion of state assets

  国债回购 government securities repurchase

  国债一级自营商 primary underwriters of government securities

  过度竞争 excessive competition

  过度膨胀 excessive expansion

  过热迹象 signs of overheating
