
时间:2021-07-06 11:59:08 作者: 字数:5829字

        以下要说的这部电影是一部励志题材,其中讲述了 英语 对中国的影响以及个人奋斗史,喜欢英语并且对英语有着梦想的盆友们可以闲暇时通过上网或者电影院观看哦!以下是电影介绍和台词以及电影的原型:


        电影《中国合伙人》是由香港导演陈可辛执导,黄晓明、邓超、佟大为主演,讲述由20世纪80年代至21世纪初,大时代下三个年轻人从学生年代相遇、相识,拥有同样的梦想至一起打拼事业,共同创办英语培训学校,最后功成名就实现梦想的励志 故事 。该片浓缩了一代 创业 者的成长历程,具有一定的时代意义。

…… 此处隐藏1282字 ……

  LADY:Clause eleven.


  CHENG: The WTO Copy rights and performances and phonograms treaties of impromenciate at of ninety nineteen eight,amended sation 101 by added《Geneva Conventions》, pick an other one please

  世界 知识产权 组织1998年实施法,关于表演和录音制品版权条约第101条,修订及增加了《日内瓦录音制品公约》。请选下一条......

  It's because I memorized the entire text on the plane coming here. It's a skill that I mastered when i was eighteen, that year, i memorizedthe whole XinHua English dictionary, for your information, I was only considered a mediocre of all my peers. Chinese students are extremely adept at taking exams. You can't imagine what they are willing to go through to succeed. You don't understand Chinese culture.

  这是因为我在来美国的飞机上把整本书都背了下来。我在18岁的时候就掌握了这个本事...我希望你知道,我只是同龄人中的泛泛之辈。中 国学 生极为擅长考试。你无法想象他们为了成功所付出的辛酸。你不了解中国 文化 。

  MENG: Mr Bono,regardless of the finnal court decision , this meeting are the start of our formal promotion ,we hope EES can informs copyrights in chinese market. We dont like to be called thief, we've come here today, hoping to educated you about one thing, China has changed.Unfortunately, you are still stuck in the past.

