
时间:2021-07-29 12:44:29 作者: 字数:1221字

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  考试啦小编导语:现在小学阶段的 英语 教育 越来越重视听说读写能力,特别是 英语作文 ,日益重要,接下来考试啦小编就为大家整理了小学四年级的优秀英语作文 范文 ,一起来欣赏:


  I like animals very much. I have a dog, It’s my favourite animal. It’s white, It looks like a snow ball. It has two big eyes and ears. But its nose and mouth are very small. It’s very naughty.

  It often stares at my food when I have a meal. When I’m home it follows me all the time.

  When I do my homework, it often sits beside quietly, but sometimes runs around me and shouts: wom wom.

  I like my dog very much.

  A big fire

  One night Wu Gang was lying in bed. Then suddenly a loud cry for help woke him up. He looked out of the window and found his neighbour's house was on fire. Wu Gang hurried to telephone 119 for help. Then he ran out at once. He saw many people trying to put out the fire with water, and he quickly joined in. After some time, the firefighters arrived, the big fire was out at last. Luckily, no house was destroyed by the fire and all the people were safe.
