
时间:2021-07-01 09:37:19 作者: 字数:3984字





  1. 邻桌年轻人大声说话、吸烟。

  2. 你请他们不要那样做。

  3. 他们不听,反而嘲笑你。

  4. 你认为:①他们在公共场所那样做是不对的。


  参考词汇:嘲笑laugh at


  1. 词数80左右,短文开头已给出(不计入总词数)。

  2. 要点齐全,行为连贯,可适当发挥。


  Last Saturday evening, all my family had dinner in a resturant.

…… 此处隐藏1293字 ……

  3 happiness

  keep happy, make friends, smile...


  Good Ways to Keep Healthy

  It is very important for us to keep healthy. But do you know the ways to keep us healthy?

  First, we need to have healthy eating habits, we can eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit, but we’d better eat less meat. Different kinds of food are necessary, it’s also important to eat a balanced diet.

  Then, playing sports every day can also help us keep fit. We can take walks after dinner, we can walk to school instead of taking a bus, after school we can spend hours playing basketball or soccer with our friends. We should try to do more exercise every day.

  Happiness is another way to keep healthy. When we are lonely or unhappy, try to make friends. It is a good way to keep us happy. If you smile often, you also feel happy. So, be happy to be healthy.
