
时间:2021-07-16 05:15:16 作者: 字数:7811字

  下面是考试啦小编整理的常用 金融 英语 词汇大全, 希望对大家有帮助。


  合理预期 rational expectation

  核心资本 core capital

  合资企业 joint-venture enterprises

  红利 dividend

  宏观经济运营良好 sound macroeconomic performance

  宏观经济基本状况 macroeconomic fundamentals

  宏观调控 macroeconomic management(or adjustment)

  宏观调控目标 macroeconomic objectives(or targets)

  坏账 bad debt

  还本付息 debt service

  换汇成本 unit export cost;local currency cost of export earnings

  汇兑在途 funds in float

  汇兑支出 advance payment of remittance by the beneficiary's bank

  汇率并轨 unification of exchange rates

  活期存款 demand deposits

  汇率失调 exchange rate misalignment

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  绕规模贷款 to circumvent credit ceiling

  人均国内生产总值 per capita GDP

  人均收入 per capita income

  人民币升值压力 upward pressure on the Renminbi(exchange rate)

  认缴资本 subscribed capital

  软贷款 soft loans

  软预算约束 soft budget constraint

  软着陆 soft landing
