
时间:2017-04-09 18:46:50 作者: 字数:15255字


  1. It’s going to be easier than you think.


  Despite the depressed job market for new college grads in recent years, the fact remains that people who dream big and prove themselves to be indispensable assets to their employers get ahead. Yes, you might spend the first year of your career passing out mail, calling in photographs, or answering phones, but that’s OK. You won’t be doing that forever.


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  I never really had this problem (see No. 9), but I’ve seen plenty of friends paralyzed by their fear of the unknown, stuck in jobs they hate, with bosses who suck or commutes that cost them their sanity. And though there is value in longevity, life is too short to be unhappy. So while you’re free of the ties that can bind you to a questionable situation — mortgage, kids, mountains of debt — leap when you need to leap. Reach out to that network you’ve built, and trust there is something so much better out there for you.


  11.Money matters.


  When my college internship was ending and I was interviewing for an assistant position at the same publishing company, the editor-in-chief asked me if I had any “salary demands.” I laughed and told him that legally he couldn’t pay me less than minimum wage. He didn’t. He also didn’t pay me more. That set the bar low, not just for that job, but for the next job and the next.


  Before applying to any job, try to find out a salary range for the position and yourexperience level. Google salary surveys, and ask friends who work in your industry what’s fair. It can be tough to get a big salary bump once you’re already in place, and you can play catch-up for years.

