
时间:2022-10-01 19:55:16 作者: 字数:5602字



  1. Let sb. do sth.

  2. Could sb. do sth.?

  3. would like sth.

  4. would like to do sth.

  5. What about something to eat?

  6. How do you spell …?

  7. May I borrow…?

  I. 重点短语

  1. Sit down

  2. on duty

  3. in English

  4. have a seat

  5. at home

  6. look like

  7. look at

  8. have a look

  9. come on

  10. at work

  11. at school

  12. put on

  13. look after

  14. get up

  15. go shopping


  1. -Thanks very much!

  -You're welcome.

  2. Put it/them away.

  3. What's wrong?

  4. I think so.

  I don't think so.

  5. I want to take some books to the classroom.

  6. Give me a bottle of orange juice, please.

  Please give it / them back tomorrow. OK.

  9. What's your favourite sport?

…… 此处隐藏1588字 ……

  5. like doing sth./ like to do sth.

  like doing sth. 与like to do sth. 意思相同,但用法有区别。前者强调一般性的爱好或者表示动作的习惯性和经常性;后来表示一次性和偶然性的动作。例如:

  He likes playing football, but he doesn't like to play football with Li Ming.


  6. other/ others/ the other/ another


  Have you any other questions?你还有其他问题吗?

  others 别的人,别的东西
